
Showing posts from April, 2018

Pictures of my family and Weddings...Click pages on your left

The Pictures are in the file "pages"

119 Shidduchs ...How did that Happen?

Over 14 years ago there a group of women who gathered together to work on shidduchim for their children. We thought we would each speak about our children and trade resumes. That never happened. Someone took a sefer off the shelf, we started reading the Rebbes' letters on shidduchim. After each letter, there was a discussion.The letters were very soft spoken. None of them seemed to demand big actions but we found small actions were needed. We created an experimental "to do list". We started "doing"and we started to see engagements. We went though all the Chabad books in English. We got teachers to translate other seferim. We went though all the frum books. Each one added to our body of information. From there we started pooling our money and flying in Teachers, advisors. When our community was bringing in a speaker for the community, we would get a private audience with the Rabbi/Rebbitson. Each Teacher gave over excellent information but some of the teachers ...