Power of Words in Shidduchim
By Rivkah Leah Bernath Chicago,IL Many years ago ,in my old neighborhood, a woman in her mid 40's would constantly bring up this topic. Her topic was , how much insurance she had on her husbands life. She would count on fingers when speaking about this, " I have a 30,000 on one policy, 10,000 on a second policy, there is a benefit from his work providing me with $ per etc ,month if he died. I knew them, they had a good marriage. I'm not implying she wanted him dead. But he did die suddenly that year. At another time, we had some friends that were putting on a room addition. They rented an apt during the construction. Every so often we would meet them at the house to see the progress. Sometime during the tour, the husband would say" after this is addition is done, I'm going to lose my job" and "I'm going to lose this house". We begged to stop verbalizing this. He didn't stop. He had a job earning in the 6 figures, he h...
These are very good questions. Amazing! I would love more men read them!!!