Instructions from a Shidduch Mashpia

1. Make a Shidduchim Keli
    First half of the a needy kallah with money or effort.(email for list of effort jobs)
    Second half of the keli....take on something difficult (ruchnius) until you get to the chupa.

2. Open channels of bracha
     a. Gratitute,,write down 3 things a day you are grateful for.
     b. Forgiveness....make up with your relatives and friends.
     c. Use the power of words to hasten the bracha....( for more info, email)
     d. Use the power of thought, keep the positive thoughts, pick apart the negative thoughts
     e. Ahavas Yisroel, help another with shidduchim
     f. Get a brachos from friends and relatives.

3.Make a Brochos party(email for instructions)

4.Get a shidduch coach or a shidduch mashpia.

Rivkah Leah Bernath 
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