We were inundated with engagements


Two years ago Chai Ellul, our group had a fabrengen with an inspirational speaker. One of the stories she told at the fabrengen was about a girl who had become frum a few years ago and was dating a bochur from a family that was frum for many generations.I don't remember how they met or if it was a traditional "shidduch set up". The bottom line of the story was that the two of them wanted to become engaged and the decision was up to the zeidie. While this girl was waiting for the decision, she went to her mashpia and had a two people fabrengen. They spoke, danced and sang niggunim  for 2 hours until the phone rang with the answer that the zeidie said "yes".

Now , move ahead a few days and its Rosh Hashana, davening is over and group member are greeting each other.  Before we knew we had decided a Rosh Hashana Fabrengen was what we wanted. So, we each knocks on a few doors that rainy afternoon and a few people gathered in a group members  kitchen. One of the members that joined us had several children ready for shidduchim. Where as most of the group members had made 1,2,3,4 or more chasunahs, this family still hadn't made any. We sang the seder niggunim and we danced and a few weeks later that ladies daughter was engaged. 2 more engagements followed soon after.

Last Rosh Hashana we planned a fabrengen......after davening..seudah...tehillim..tachlich. We all gave brochos to our community, our group and to each other for shidduchim. One of the brochos was that our community should be so inundated with simchas that we should need a "chairman of the calendar". One of our members, raised her hand and volunteered to be the chairman.We all just LAUGHED , Nice thought BUT....... not so realistic.

Well to our surprise we needed that chairperson ,Seudah of thanks, L'chaims, Vorts, Bridal showers, Shabbos Kallahs, Chansunahs, Sheva Brochos.(there is a list of most of the Chicago Simchas  from this year available upon request)

So, this year its even more difficult to find a time for this fabrengen. We are planning one and we hope you will be too. May every community need a chairman of the calendar.


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